In today’s post we will quickly bust some 25 unbelievable non-sense gardening myths and facts for a successful Scientific Gardening.

Is It Dangerous to Expose Roots to Light?
Well, this can be a very nice high school project for kids to grow two similar plants, one in a transparent container and compare it with one grown in an opaque container. As you can see, nothing happens to the plant grown in transparent containers. The actual concern is root exposure to air and even the heat from sunlight that can cause drying and can damage your plant. However, you are supposed to keep the roots in the dark because of algae growth due to light, which means your roots are not getting enough oxygen because the algae are stealing the oxygen and nutrients for themselves. So light as such doesn’t hurt the roots, but air, heat, and algae do.
Naphthalene Balls or Moth Balls as Rooting Agents
It’s a myth. Naphthalene balls or moth balls contain naphthalene acetic acid and can be used as rooting agents. NAA (Naphthalene Acetic Acid) and IBA (Indole Butyric Acid) are plant auxins or hormones that are entirely different compounds and are used for rooting your plant cuttings. These two are entirely different from moth balls, which are used to keep insects at bay.
Is It Dangerous to Go Near Trees During Night Time?
During the day, under the presence of sunlight (photosynthesis), plants take up carbon dioxide and release oxygen. But during the night, they take in oxygen and release CO2, which means the air near trees will have a lower concentration of oxygen and a higher concentration of CO2. However, this impact is negligible for small plants and home gardens and is only noticeable near very large trees or in thick vegetation.
Animal or Human Urine as Fertilizer
Yes, this is a fact! For example, cow urine contains loads of NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), which are the most essential plant nutrients for agricultural use. However, it has to be applied in a dilution of at least 1:20 in water.
Gardening on Terrace is Bad for the Building
This is not completely true unless your building is too old with poor construction. If wisely planned, a garden on the terrace will not be a problem, like placing the heavy containers along the weight-bearing walls of your terrace.
Waterproofing the Terrace is a Must for a Terrace Garden
Not necessarily, unless you plan to build a raised bed terrace garden. If you grow in containers, you only need to check whether the water draining out of the pots is easily flowing off the terrace and not stagnant.
Do Plants Die of Old Age or Aging?
The oldest known tree in the world is the Great Basin bristlecone pine in the White Mountains of California, which is over 5000 years old. Trees grow indeterminately, meaning that with the right conditions, they can grow continuously. The only problem that limits them from reaching the sky is the transport of food and water through the xylem and phloem from the roots to the growing end. The taller the tree, the more difficult it is to transport water from roots to the foliage near the top. Instead of growing taller, they increase in width and branch out more, as you might notice in some old trees with huge girths.
Do Plants Feel Pain? Gardening Myths?
Plants lack a nervous system, which means they do not have a brain, nerves, or pain receptors, so they should not feel pain. However, some studies show plants release defense chemicals in response to being eaten by caterpillars. Plants fight for territory, seek out food, evade predators, and trap prey, similar to animals, and they exhibit behavior.
Watering Plants on a Hot Sunny Day Will Burn the Leaves
No doubt, watering plants early in the morning or late in the evening is great because less water will evaporate. However, the theory that water droplets on leaves act like mini magnifying lenses, focusing the sun’s rays and causing leaf burn has been disproved by physicists.
Talking to Your Plants Will Help Them Grow
Despite many scientific studies on this theory, there’s no conclusive evidence that talking to plants helps them grow. One theory suggests that since plants take up carbon dioxide, talking to plants releases carbon dioxide when we exhale.
Planting by the Moon Affects Plant Growth and Yield
The idea that the Moon affects plant growth is a myth. No study has proven the effect of the Moon on plant growth. The only plants that use moonlight for photosynthesis are certain types of phytoplankton, which are not typically found in gardens.
Crushed Egg Shells as a Good Source of Calcium
This is false. Even powdered egg shells take a long time to decompose and release calcium into the soil. You can make a water-soluble calcium solution using egg shells by mixing them with distilled vinegar.
Fresh Cow Dung or Horse Dung as Fertilizer
Fresh cow poop should never be applied to your plants because it contains high levels of ammonia and salts, which can burn your plants. It also contains harmful microorganisms like E. coli and weed seeds, which can produce unwanted plants in your garden.
Saplings or Seedlings Need Support to Protect Them
This is false. Unless there is a strong wind, tying a sapling or young plant to a support stick will do more harm than good. Research shows that trees without support develop thicker trunks, more supportive roots, and more resistance to breakages.
Does Potting Mix Cause Legionnaires’ Pneumonia in Gardeners?
Do not worry; this is not true. Legionnaires’ pneumonia is mostly caused by inhaling the bacteria. Though these bacteria survive in outdoor soil, they rarely cause infections. However, it’s better to wear a mask while handling potting mix, especially for people with weaker immune systems.
Can Harvested or Collected Seeds be Stored in a Refrigerator or Freezer?
This is incorrect. Most seeds stored in seed banks are first dried to reduce moisture content to about 10 percent. Freezing freshly collected seeds can destroy seed viability due to ice crystal formation.
Growing Fruit Trees in Containers is Impossible Due to Limited Space
This is not true. You can grow them in larger containers or fabric bags (more than 18 or 24 inches).
Can We Use Grey Water or Black Water for Plants or Farming?
This depends on the country you live in. Many countries ban the use of untreated grey water (wastewater from kitchens, laundries, and showers) and black water (sewage) due to harmful chemicals, toxins, heavy metals, and bacteria.
Garlic is the King of Companion Gardening
It’s a fact! Garlic deters pests, including fungus gnats, moths, spider mites, beetles, and ants. The sulfur compounds in garlic act as natural fungicides, making companion gardening with garlic beneficial.
Bone Meal Substitutes for Vegetarians
Bone meal is a byproduct of animal rendering, high in phosphorus with an NPK ratio of 4-12-0. The closest alternative is soybean meal, which has an NPK ratio of 7-2-1.
How to Know if Your Plant is Still Alive and Save a Dying Plant
There are many signs to determine if your plant can still survive. If your plant looks dry and has shed its leaves, it may still be alive and can be revived.
Can We Grow Plants from Leaves?
Yes, some plants can be propagated from just a leaf or a section of a leaf. Leaf cuttings of most plants will not generate a new plant; they usually produce only a few roots or just decay. Some plants, like succulents, can grow new plants from leaf cuttings.
How to Prevent Neighbors from Stealing Your Plants and Fruits
Interact with your neighbors and make friends with them. Talk about exchanging your plants, seeds, or cuttings. Present them with some of your good plants or cuttings.
Can We Install a Drip Irrigation System on a Terrace Garden?
This is one of the best options for watering on your terrace, especially if your plants are in hot sun with no green shade net. A drip irrigation system is easy to install and not very expensive.
Is It Useful to Attract Birds to Your Garden?
Yes, attracting birds to your garden can help control pests and pollinate your plants.
This is infact a vast topic. We have discuss this in detail on the benefits of this and making or installing simple DIY bird feeders in this article.
Please Watch this video on gardening myths and truths below: