This sponsorship agreement has been entered into on the date of payment (ordered online) between the following entities, collectively known as “the Parties” – Sponsor and Promoter.
This document is a legally binding sponsorship agreement between the above listed parties.
Sponsor agrees to pay $[Sponsorship.Amount as in order – paid online] in return for the following:
- Ad Details – as displayed at this page
Sponsor agrees to provide the following to the Promoter for use in marketing and promotion materials:
- Materials/Products/Resources for use on producing or integrating into youtube or facebook video.
No employer/employee relationship is established or implied with this sponsorship agreement. The Promoter has no liability or responsibility to the Sponsor beyond the scope of this agreement.
The Sponsor grants the Promoter the right to use their intellectual property in promoting the event, including logos and other brand trademarks.
If the nature of the purchased sponsorship package must be changed for any reason, the Promoter agrees to notify the Sponsor in writing and additional payment may be applicable.
The purchased sponsorship package is not transferable for any reason. If the Sponsor cannot meet the financial requirements of this agreement, the Sponsor agrees to provide written notification to the Promoter in a timely manner so that the Promoter may find another suitable sponsor.
Anything not expressly addressed in this sponsorship agreement’s terms shall be governed by the contract laws of [Client.State].
The promoter will provide the demo of the work done before final publishing to the sponsor. If both parties agree, the video is published on youtube or facebook. Once published this agreement is closed and no further responsibilities on the promoter (channel owner), whether or not the video gets sufficient views.
The total contribution provided by the Sponsor is [CONTRIBUTION AMOUNT], to be paid in full before entering into this agreement and production of video.
Termination / Refunds
Once the task is started by the promoter, there will be no refunds. However the sponsor can request a refund if the task is not yet started. Once the advertisement or promotional material, video clips or content is provided by sponsor, there will be no refunds and it is assumed that the work is in progress by the promoter.
This Contract will terminate automatically upon completion of promotional task.
The terms and conditions of this agreement are subject to future change by promoter or website owner.
Last updated on 4th May 2021.