We will discuss the benefits of using Mycorrhizae tablets for your plants in this article and show you how to use these growth booster for maximum benefits.
We all know that Fungus destroys and kills most our plants, what we commonly call as Rot. I am sure Every gardener must have experienced plant death due to fungus attack or the rot. Now what if I tell you there are some fungi which help boost the growth of plants. Yes that’s today’s topic of discussion. What are these plant tablets and plant powder that can actually accelerate plant growth. We will quickly learn some scientific concepts of this and will also demonstrate on how to use these for your plants for a variety of purposes including rooting your plants cuttings successfully, using this stuff.

What is Mycorrhiza?
We will start with the term – MYCORRHIZA (that’s a Greek word mycos, “fungus”, and rhiza, “root”). It is a symbiotic association (mutually beneficial – symbiosis is a process of mutual benefit) between a fungus and the roots of a plant.
Simple Explanation
The plant prepares food and energy coming from the sun through photosynthesis and supplies these carbohydrates and other nutrients to the fungi through the roots. In turn, the fungus supplies water and mineral nutrients taken from the soil to the plants. Mycorrhizae are located in the roots of the plant. In general, most plant species can form these mycorrhizal associations. We will not go into details or types or classifications of these associations. The most common is the Arbuscular type, also called Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM), and this is present in 70% to 80% of plant species. Mycorrhizae are especially beneficial for plants growing in nutrient-poor soils. The fungal mycelia or hyphae, which are fine hair-like structures, can uptake nutrients from the soil better than the thinnest fibrous roots of the plants. In scientific terms, this is called increasing the vascularity, similar to certain drugs in the medical field that increase vascularity and blood supply to an organ.
Research and Benefits
A lot of research has been done on this topic, proving it to be very beneficial for plants. You can check out links to some of the website articles on this topic from the description of this video.
Utilizing Mycorrhiza in Home Gardening
There are two options I’m showing you here. You can check out links to these items from a card linked to this video or visit our website at
Plant Tablets or Root Tablets
VAM powder containing these mycorrhizae comes in tablet form. These are called Root Booster Tablets. They come with a leaflet and instructions with dosage for various plants. For home plants, use 1 or 2 tablets depending on the size of the container and plant.
How to Use:
- Make a deep hole about 4 to 6 inches until you approximately reach the roots of the plant.
- Insert the tablet into the hole and cover it with soil.
- Water slowly to make the soil wet. This should contain spores of the beneficial fungi which will reproduce and start their actions.
You should see the effects within 3 months. Test this on your anemic plants and see the improvement. If your anemic plant shows significant improvement, then the mycorrhizae are active and providing the plant with necessary micronutrients like iron, magnesium, and others.
VAM – Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae
This comes in powder form, with each gram containing 100 to 200 propagules. Add one teaspoon of this powder near the plant roots by digging a hole or sprinkle the powder while repotting.
Interesting Use:
Mycorrhizae can also be used as a rooting hormone effect to grow stem cuttings. Dip the lower end of a cutting into this powder and insert it into the soil. Apply all the other rules of cuttings, like the 45-degree cutting angle. You can watch one of my old videos on this topic from a card linked at the top right corner of this video or search in my channel.
Summary of Benefits
Mycorrhizal fungi make plants stronger and healthier by:
- Increasing yields
- Enhancing flowering and fruiting
- Improving drought tolerance
- Reducing fertilizer and water usage
- Protecting plants against harmful pathogens in the soil
- Improving soil quality and drainage
- Increasing tolerance to soil pH changes
- Offering many other benefits
Quiz Question
Can we use broad-spectrum antifungals like SAAF powder (carbendazim and mancozeb) mixed with water to water the plants? Will this not kill the mycorrhizae?
Please answer in the comment box below the video.
Please Watch video below on How to use Mycorrhizae powder and tablets.